Financial advice for realtors.

Simplifying your life so that you never have to navigate financial decisions alone
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Making good money but still feel like you're stuck?
You’re not alone. Maybe you’re dealing with:
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A great salary
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Student loans that won’t go away
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No idea where, how to, or what you should be investing in
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Fear of making financial mistakes
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Uncertainty that you’re not taking full advantage of all opportunities
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Wanting to travel more today, while also responsibly saving for the future
We get it! We’ve helped a lot of millennials just like you. We speak your language.
No jargon, no judgment. Just clear guidance. 
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Experience life, not financial stress
Click the profiles below to see real life examples of how financial planning aims to make an impact in your life:
millennial family
Busy Millennial Family
Josh and Emily faced a common dilemma among millennials with families: they wanted to live in the moment, travel frequently, and create experiences with their children, but they were unsure how to do so without jeopardizing their long-term financial goals. They also had accumulated some debt (from student loans and credit cards) and had no concrete investment strategy. They had conflicting financial priorities: planning for retirement, saving for their children's future education, and more.
Read the Case Study
middle age entrepreneur
Successful & Growing Entrepreneur
Sophia is the owner of a growing digital marketing agency. Like many entrepreneurs, she faced the challenge of balancing her personal financial goals with the demands of scaling her business. She wanted to grow her company, invest in her employees, enjoy life now through travel, and ultimately achieve financial independence well before the traditional retirement age. She also needed help navigating the complex tax landscape to ensure she maximized tax savings, both personally and for her business.
Read the Case Study
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How to Work Together
The Victus Approach is the framework for how we work with our clients. It was created with you in mind. It strives to help you live your life, without sacrificing the things that help you live.
Organization & Goals Meeting
During this meeting, we’ll kick things off by going over the essentials. We’ll align on your goals and values, get your documents in order, and map out a clear plan for the next few months.
Cash Flow & Taxes
During this meeting, we’ll dive straight into the core of your financial plan – cash flow and taxes. We’ll break down your spending, debts, and income, and explore smart ways to save on taxes. 
Investments & Retirement
During this meeting, we’ll dig into your investments and retirement plans, with an objective to make sure they vibe with your goals and what actually matters to you.
Insurance & Estate Planning
At the end of our initial planning sessions, we’ll seek to make sure you and your family are covered with the proper insurance and estate planning documents
Included: Ongoing accountability to ensure plan implementation. Additional meetings may be added based on complexity or need. 
Planning Phase 2: Year Two & Beyond
Q1 // January - March
  • Annual strategic planning
  • Cash flow and tax projections
  • Get tax ready
  • Business planning and projections
Q2 // April – May
  • Tax analysis
  • Tax projection update
  • Investment review
  • Business planning progress
Q4 // October – November
  • End-of-year planning
  • Benefits review/open enrollment
  • Insurance/estate review
  • End of year business tax planning

Victus Wealth Management and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or tax services. Please consult your legal advisor or tax advisor regarding your specific situation. Investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss.

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Mastering Millennial Money
A guide with a goal to help you make the most of your money & control your financial future
mastering millennial money preview
It’s time to take charge of your financial destiny. This guide's goal is to help you…
1) Gain a full understanding of the various challenges facing Millennials
2) Set goals for both the present and future based on your core values
3) Take a comprehensive look at your household cash flow
4) Make a plan to pay off any existing student loans or credit card balances
5) Learn the basics of investing for your future financial wellbeing
6) Understand how to manage risk with appropriate insurance and estate planning
7) Evaluate tax options to optimize your tax efficiency
Throughout the chapters, you’ll have the chance to pause and reflect on or journal responses to important questions. You’ll also find suggestions for actions you can take to start developing a meaningful and comprehensive financial plan for yourself.
By the end, this guide aims to help you align your finances with your life values – the only way I know of to master your money for both today and the future. 
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Want assistance on your financial journey? We're here to help:
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